An assignment for speech class.

April 09 2007

To my future offspring:

My name is Christina, and you don’t know who I am.  You don’t know who your father is; neither do I.  You don’t know what it means to be alive; I’m still working on that one too.  However, I’d like to give you an early welcome to existence here on planet earth, and tell you what I know of it.

First of all, I love you.  I’m sure that will excite you at first, but the appeal of that statement will probably lessen as you grow older.  Still, it’s the most important thing you need to know during your early years...and for the rest of your life.  I love you.  Even now, before you’re born.  And when I’ve actually met you – my love for you will be outrageous.  I won’t just tolerate you.  I won’t just raise you dutifully.  I will truly and fully love you.  Remember that.

And with that in mind, take heed that much of the rest of the world won’t love you, nor will they give you an easy time.  It may seem cruel to bombard you so quickly with the harsher realities of life – after all, you aren’t even a baby yet – but love is tough and you need to hear it.  You will face fear that makes your heart tremble.  You will experience pain that nearly cripples your spirit.  You will witness injustice that you cannot make right, accidents you cannot prevent, tragedies you cannot bear.  You will see innocence trampled, friendship betrayed, greatness brought low. 

And though I wish – I wish, beyond anything – that I could bring you into a world where dreams are always realized, and good always conquers evil, I cannot.  But what I can do for you, I will.  And what I can do is instill in you the skill and the character it takes to survive and even flourish in a world that will try its hardest to impress upon you your own unimportance.  I will push you hard.  I will ask you difficult questions.  I will not accept mediocrity.  I will punish you when you’ve done wrong.  And always, I will make you apologize when you’ve hurt someone.

By now, you’re probably questioning whether you even want to give living a try, and if you still find existence tempting, you’re probably wondering where you can get a new mother.  But don’t worry.  My list of promises isn’t finished yet.  Because you will need more than discipline, more than morality to get you through life.

You’ll need love.  Yes, back to love again.  It always comes back to love.  But that’s what you’ll really need in life, and that’s the main thing I have to offer.  I will tuck you into bed.  I will listen to you when you’re hurting.  I will give you my share of the desert.  I will come to your defense at any cost.  And always, I will be there for you.  Be there to protect, but also to enlighten.  To comfort, but also to challenge.  And when you feel like every path in front of you leads to nowhere you want to be, you can always return to find me waiting with open arms, open ears, and advice which is your to take and sift and use as you will.  I promise you: even if everyone else has, I will not turn my back on you.

And what I ask in return is this: that you will let me be a part of the best of your life.  I ask that you let me witness your triumphs and your accomplishments and your fulfillments.   Let me celebrate when you celebrate, and let me feel achievement in your achievements.  And maybe, if you find it in you to do so, give me a little credit.  Give me the satisfaction of knowing that the child I created - and invested in, and loved - overcame the natural and societal obstacles of life and was able to accomplish something meaningful in this world, be it a matter of international significance or personal pride.  Give me the joy of knowing you have found happiness. 

You have no idea what’s ahead of you, and neither do I.  But whatever it may be, I will be here.  I will teach you.  I will worry about you.  I will discipline you.  I will challenge you.  And above all – if everything else I have said you forget, then remember this - I will love you. 

Your mother.


April 10 2007
I like this a lot. A whole lot. That's the way every parent should be...

the brian king kenobi

April 11 2007
wow. this is freakin' amazing. and i really needed to read this right now. funny how that works, isn't it?

the brian king kenobi

April 12 2007
having just left anthropology class, the only term i can think of is "reciprocity." o_O