
April 24 2006

they sure are good at making me feel unimportant.

well, maybe they're right.


April 24 2006
nope- they're not

Eric Bean

April 24 2006
Absolutely not. Hey, God thought you were important enough to his plan to get free will, and it's generally pretty pointless to argue with an omniscient being. On a more immediate level, you're an integral part of our group's prom plans this weekend, and we particularly need you there now since the less loyal group members betrayed us out of dinner. I personally think you'll bring a lot of fun to our tragically diminished group.

Hunter Barry

April 24 2006
First and foremost, who are they? Secondly, why are they such a poor judge of character? Thirdly, why are they so full of crap? Fourthly, there is no fourth question.

Bill Morgan

April 24 2006
WRONG !!! You are important. Don't listen to the lies. Take it from an old man who has been around awhile ... and around the world (literally) ... many people will try to put you down ... but you need to seek God's guidance, set your goals, believe in yourself, and move forward. You can do ANYTHING !! BTW, love your music selection ....

Ben Moser

April 25 2006
i think you're pretty cool. :-P


April 25 2006
If anyone says that you're not important than they are WRONG!


April 25 2006
i don't think they're right. but i know how you feel.

Hunter Barry

April 25 2006
On second thought, would anyone actually post "I can see why they'd think you're worthless"? Makes me wonder if my prior remark was just pointless filler.