that time again

November 25 2005

I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told
I had squandered my existance for a pocket full of mumbles,
such are promises...

Am I the only one who feels guilty for things I can't help?  Like...having been born in one of the richest, most materialistic societies in the world?  I always have trouble with this.  I have so much.  I am in need of virtually nothing.  But it's Christmas shopping time, and so many relatives are asking, "what do you want for Christmas?" and I feel so awful asking for anything at all.  I don't want stuff.  And the stuff I do want, like a chi iron or an ipod, I certainly don't need.  What I'd really like for Christmas is a job, so I can earn my own possesions.  Getting gifts always frustrates me, because I don't appriciate things unless I've actually worked for them. 

It all goes back to this greedy society of ours.  I blame the love of money. 

Sometimes I wish I had less, so I'd appriciate what I did have more.  I'm not thankful enough.  Considering how much stuff we as Americans have, I think very few of us really are...

And I know I could do something about it...give some of my possesions away, or something of that sort.  But I'm not faithful, and I'm too afraid, and I depend on all this stuff far too much, which is really sad.  I'm weak.

What  I really want for Christmas...

is to give everyone in the world a big bowl of tomato soup and a home knit scarf, and a hug.


November 26 2005
Wow, your wisdom blows me away...


November 26 2005
I loveth me Raisin!! You can make me a scarf for Christmas and give me a hug, but I don't like tomato soup, so give that to someone else.