Eric Bean


Relationship Status



Siegel High

Part A of the Master Plan

May 30 2006
I have decided to use my newly acquired funding to purchase a laptop.  I realized I needed one after noticing that in the various movie scenes where the enemy base must be infiltrated, the lovable, comic relief computer hacker never uses a desktop.  In Independence Day, I believe a laptop is actually used to take down the alien mothership.  I cannot think of even one example of a desktop computer performing so heroically.  I asked myself:  self, what if in the course of your religious studies at Belmont you were called to, for example, hack into Hell's computer system (of course Hell uses computers; what could cause more anguish than a hard drive crash?) to find out what Satan and his lackeys are up to?  The only answer I had to that question was that I must acquire a laptop.  The laptop must be Windows-compatible because Hell would naturally choose Windows as its operating system.  So, which laptop would be suited best to my plans?

Hunter Barry

May 30 2006
You had a chance until you pulled the "I said to myself- self" joke. And as I recall didn't Will Smith blow up a few things to destroy the alien mothership? Laptops may have been involved. And everyone knows Hell uses Windows ME (BLUE SCREEN OF DOOM!).

Ben Moser

May 30 2006
i recommend buying an intel-based macbook/macbook pro. you get all the amazingness of apple and mac os x, and if you need to you can install windows as a second os using apple's boot camp software. windows-compatible, mac os x elegance. you don't miss a beat.

Hunter Barry

May 30 2006
I think when he said Windows compatible he meant "not a Mac".

Cara Hawkins

May 30 2006
Go with any compaq laptop, they hold up really well, I should know I have crashed mine about 5 times..


June 02 2006
BEANIE WEANIE!!! i love you man

Ben Moser

June 08 2006
GO WITH A MAC! I can't stress it enough. I have read countless stories from people I don't know who wondered why they ever used a PC. But now, I have many close friends who are testifying the exact same thing. I have also read many critical reviews that the Windows operating system actually runs faster on a Mac than on any PC. And you can have both of the operating systems on the same computer. But I digress. I hadn't thought of your additions, and now I am going to do just that. Add them. I'll give you credit though.

Hunter Barry

June 15 2006 I suggest that computer, the Toughbook. It fits Bean's price range of "pocket change".

Rebekah Minor

June 15 2006
are you taking it next semester?? cause i'm willing to wait.

Rebekah Minor

June 15 2006
stop over-analyzing! i want it in hebrew...i dont know if greek is as pretty! but i will check hold on...

Rebekah Minor

June 15 2006
that would be fabulous! thanks!

Eric Bean

June 15 2006
Awww yeah