Eric Bean


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Siegel High

I can't believe it...

April 21 2006

Physics is actually coming to an end.  It was starting to feel like a life sentence in a French prison where torture is legal so they give you problems to solve with equations so horribly complicated that small children cry and woodland creatures flee in terror.  But we're not getting any more bookwork and I'm almost done with the modules.  I was so happy today I was humming to myself.  Now I can do pretty much whatever random task pops into my head.  If I want to create an elaborate song and dance routine involving no less than forty-seven trained monkeys solely to express how much I love jello, I can.  Conquering Estonia - why not?  I may even make up my own language spoken entirely by waving various types of pasta noodles.  Certainly I have already used enough of my newfound time on this post.

In the words of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore:

"Nitwit!  Blubber!  Oddment!  Tweak!"

beth cooper

April 21 2006
that is one of the best things i think ive heard all day. and i would certainly love to see how a language with various pasta noodles turns out. lol


April 21 2006
yay, one month till no Mrs. Cathey, the crazy lady


April 21 2006
month? no two weeks!

Mary Lauren

April 21 2006
eric is the best trip buddy EVER!!! lol...


April 22 2006