Jackass (no not a donkey)

July 04 2005
So by the title I am sure some of you can assume who I am going to talk about. Yup, your right, my stepdad. He is a jackass. And now I am seeing he isn't a jackass to me but also my mom. My mom told me to turn off the sprinklers, so I go out and I turn both fosets to the off position. Then my mom's husband yells at me, "can't you see it isn't off??" I respond in a frustrated manner, "well I turned it to the off position, so if it isn't off screw it." Then my mom happens to come out as he says, "Well it isn't off." I knew she was behind me, but I yelled back at him saying, "Well you do it if your so smart." Now I feel like going back out there and yelling at the mother fucker (Isure hope he isn't fucking my mother). I am so pissed at him. My mom has the worst taste in guys adn she doesn't even leave them till they leave her. Goodness I hope I didn't get her taste in guys. I am so pissed!!! ARGGG!