Pieces are falling into place....

January 19 2006
Man, things are getting better for me.  I am now completely over Trish.  I have found a potential girlfriend in Molly.  She is pretty much the most awesome girl I have ever met.  We share so much in common.  We talked for two hours last night after I got off of work.  The greatest thing about her is that she has a car.  So now I can actually see her instead of sneaking off at school or to the library.  I can actually go to the movies with her.  I am not going to, in any way, screw this up.  I have learned from the mistakes of my past relationships.  Life is going good.  I think God found a new plaything.  I am now going to post exclusively on this site.  I am done with xanga and it's stupid masses.  Jeez, Molly is gorgeous.


January 19 2006
what a loser. you'll bitch& moan again after this dane.