Randy Lewis
Relationship Status
God, Family, Friends, Riding motorcycles, Teaching Motorcycle Safety
Favorite Music
Most any music except rap.
Favorite Movies
Pirates of the Caribbean, Top Gun, Zorro
April 17 2007
I am finding myself wondering exactly what is "friendship". I remember what it used to be but it seems that it is not the same these days. These days it seems that a friend is a friend as long as they are useful. And when they are not useful they are simply tolerated, or pushed away (until they are useful again). Would anyone care to offer an opinion?
Pricilla Bostwick
April 18 2007
well the "friendship" I remember is still the same in some friends but in some its not... me and my bff have been there for each other for 8 years and its like a relationship but not ... but maybe its you ... just kiddin you just have to find the right people and you MAY be looking in the wrong places...