Goodnight, not Goodbye

August 16 2006

Well, I have said my goodbyes, and in about seven hours I will leave Murfreesboro.  I am incredibly excited to begin this new part of my life, and at the same time I'm horribly sad to leave my friends and family.  But they will come visit, and they will write letters, and I will write letters, and I will be back for Thanksgiving and maybe even earlier.  In some ways, this big change will be very challenging for all of us, but I know we will make it through.  And so I will go confidently in the direction of my future, trusting in the Lord to guide me in the proper direction.  I encourage all of you to do the same, and I pray that He continues to lead us on paths that share many intersections and some stretches along the road together. 

Someone said to me recently that this is not goodbye, only goodnight.  You are right.  Goodbye implies an end; this is only just the beginning!  Goodnight.


August 16 2006
Congatulations on getting into Harvard and lots of luck.


August 16 2006
best wishes! and you're right, it's only a new beginning that God had planned all along :o)

Jessica Byrd

August 16 2006
i need your new adddrreesss I WILL WRITE!!


August 16 2006
best of luck, foote.


August 17 2006
Good luck! Like you said, just keep your eyes on God and He will guide you. By the way, remember that fiction book I was telling you about (about a Christian girl going to Harvard and the spiritual warfare she encounters)? I found out that it's called The Veritas Conflict. You should definitely check it out!