Bowling with Minors (under the age of nineteen)

August 10 2006

For those of you who have seen the movie "Troy", I really like a lot of the mini-speeches given in that movie.  However, I have recently discovered a whole new level of meaning in one particular speech given by Achilles, because I am, in a way, living what he talks about at the moment...

"Every moment is more precious because we are doomed.  You will never be lovelier than you are now.  We will never be here again."

Moving to college means that a lot of things in my life are ending.  But a lot of things are just beginning, as well.  And some things that seem as if they've begun far too late may be that way for a reason, and perhaps they don't have to end now, if we don't want them to.  I will deal with that in the next week, and we'll decide what to do from there, I suppose.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope."--Psalm 130:5

Jessica Byrd

August 10 2006
you don't have to leeeavvvveee. well, actually i guess you do. but we will miss you :( and when you're president or whatever, i can say i've hugged you. lol

Rebekah Minor

August 10 2006
i love that the quote says "every moment is more precious because we are doomed..." as much as i like the movie and the quote, dont be so pessimistic as to say "doomed"

Cara Hawkins

August 10 2006
I will sound like I am high or something, but that is so true..

Jessica Jo

August 12 2006
Great bible verse