live unendlessly , or die to soon?

April 29 2008

so last night i watched tuck Everlasting, an amazing movie if i might point out...

 so it brings me to the topic

"If there's one thing I've learned about people, it's that many will do anything, anything not to die. And they'll do anything to keep from living their life. "

"Don't be afraid of death, Winnie. Be afraid of the unlived life. "

"Time is like a wheel. Turning and turning - never stopping. And the woods are the center; the hub of the wheel. It began the first week of summer, a strange and breathless time when accident, or fate, bring lives together. When people are led to do things, they've never done before."

" don't wanna die; is that wrong?"

 Given the choice to live forever or die in 50 years what would you chose? should we want to live forever, where there is no time, no reason to keep on, but there is no choice.... but to chose to die some things will never be experienced,  the amount of time might not be enough...  we fear something we don't know much about....

 i like some responses on this .... a taste of a never ending lifetime, or the fear that this breath could b your last?

Jacob Wuertz

April 29 2008
I figure I will experience all I need to in Heaven.