Erin:: lub my flower.
Relationship Status
GOD, Mime, the mimes, dancing, choreographing songs, singing, Music, BUTTERFLIES, making people laugh, being silly, hanging out, Scrapbooking, Writing, blogging, Running, Camp, computers, Citrus Gum ♥! T&P Allen'n Mathis!
Favorite Music
I like a lot of stuff .. really! mostly christian stuff! lots of country, BRITT Nicole, jimmy Needham, skillet, Jeremy Camp.... lot of others
Favorite Movies
love comes sofly series, the notebook, vegietales, a walk to remember, one night with the king, when a stranger calls, princess bride
Favorite Books
Other Websites
February 14 2008
funny. but i never saw me like that,
until one day i did, and there's no going back!
you know.I have my victory, And its not all
i am going to ask of me!
I want the faraway dream, but I want it light!
i live everything in the day, but ill sleep it at night!
Erin:: lub my flower.
February 15 2008
its talking about the thing i wanted i didnt think i would ever be able to attain, finally getting everything, and then believing in everything , but living like i can't but knowing when no ones watching that i might can & will!