no sleep,but i think it mightve been worth it.

December 20 2007

so I didn't sleep last night or today for that matter, I'm sick .... well, not sick its more flat out not well, because nothing is really wrong with me like a virus, just pain & I hate it that something can irritate the snot outta me like that.... I got very light headed, & just laying there in bed all night listen to my sister breathe is enough torture for one night.

     so realizing I wasn't gonna get any sleep I turned on the radio & listened for awhile I made like 5 trips to the bathroom just because I was bored, I read the whole book of Ecclesiastes, and Read some of a devotion book, made some coffee & toast & I watched the sun come up except there were clouds so i really didn't see to much besides a pink painted sky, but it was worth it. But Anyways, pray for me to be able to sleep tonight & not be bothered by little irritations! thanks... oh hey I prayed for you guys last night . __ __