whats the matter?

November 19 2007

Okay.. proofing my point ...

even though you guys didnt quite gimme the answer Elizabeth wanted.. i was looking for what matters TO YOU.

 What matters to Kaelynn , might not matter to me,

& what matters to me might not matter to Carmen,

& what matters to Carmen might not matter to Jacob!

 But somewhere we cross the line in what matters , and things that are important to you today prolly dont matter tomorrow.

 But whats gonna matter when your old , and you finished the race? those things should be the ultimate goal, the


    IF we were talking science any thing that occupies space ... is matter .. so THAT MEANS EVERYTHING SHOULD MATTER .. right?

From a society perspective ...

Money, fame, popularity, love/lust- all that matters ??

 from a biblical perspective ....

Philipians 4:8

  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.

  WHAT is it that matters?

whose perspective are you looking at anyways?




Peggie Russo-Millard

November 19 2007
Sadly, even among Christians, Money, fame, popularity, love/lust- all is all that matters. We can just take a look around us. And even sometimes we don't have to look any farther then ourselves. Our priority can get out of whack. Are we really putting Jesus first in our lives? Or are we just saying that? Are our relationships with others taking place over Him? Who and what do we think about the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night ? Is it our children or our husband, school or our job, what we are going to do this weekend or what new clothes we are going to buy? What we are getting for Christmas? Is it that girl or guy that we like? We can even put our church and ministry before Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is really what matters in life.