do u fear it? or embrace it?

August 04 2007

So i am reading this book, called Rachels Tears! its about a Girl named Rachel who died in the Columbine tradgedy! she was asked if she believed in God! she said"you know i do!'' klebold then said "go live w. him then" & was shot!the 2 guys that shot her , one reportedly had a crush on her, [he wasnt the one to shoot her !] but he ridiculed her , and called her a GODLY whore , & all kinds of names! why didnt he save her? ....

 Rachel was a strong Christian and at the talent show she presented "watch the Lamb" & she was made fun of! but she didnt care! i wish i could be like that , every choice made by me , is all about what others think!

   she died for what she believed! i thought about this & if i was asked"do u believe in God? " & they had a Gun pointed at my head , would i say Yes?its easy to tell you i would, but then actually being in that situation would I? would I die in his name?  i have to 100% honest at this....

   i hate admitting that i Dont know  if i really could ::hopefully i wont be put in that situation, but then that the greatest way i could die! my death would impact others!i should be proud to die like that! but then why is there so much fear in dyeing! why do i fear death? i should look forward to it!!shouldnt i?

 okay, now heres the question would you be willing to die for one who died for you? does anyone feel like i do?


"we don t know when our time is up , you cant die b4 your time , you die when its your time !we needda live like its our last day , because might be"


Mary indigo

August 04 2007
hmm!! this would be hard, i think if i ever got in that situation i would grab the gun thats in his hands , and then run ! lol.


August 04 2007
I would say to the guy with the gun. Why would you think that everyone has to believe what you believe and then I would say I love him with everything in me....or something to that effect...but my ultimate answer would be yeah.

Erin:: lub my flower.

August 04 2007
to mary indigo...... youd die for sure doing that!!!!! *i think it would be a honor to die for him!*but i cant honestly say im not afraid to die! but its coming sooner or later! living w. that fact that i denied him .. well, i couldnt do it!!!!!


August 06 2007
Yeah i couldn't live with myself if i denied God and lived. I would have to say matter how scared i was.