sososososo busy

September 16 2005
Ok for student council the 2 busiest weeks of school are homecoming, well next week is homecoming, and yea I'm in student council, so it should be crazy, and on top of that I'm in charge of powder puff football, and yea I feel like I'm a chicken w/ it's head chopped off trying to get everything done, so more than likely I won't write on this thing till next week... I am so excited, Flight Plan is coming out Friday and I have no plans for Saturday b/c I don't have to work, so yea pretty sure I'm going to go see that, it looks AWESOME, well here are the days for homecoming week so dress to impress...
Monday - Sports jersy day
Tuesday - Favorite movie day
Wednesday - Comedy day (wacky tacky)
Thursday - Disney day
Friday - Blackman sprit day
So come dressed, it shoud be an exciting week!!!

Laura Polis

September 16 2005
also remember that you have bills to pay my dear!


September 17 2005
disney day!!! im sad!!!


September 18 2005
woot woot. you rock my socks.