new orleans area

August 31 2005
Ok so this is the basics... Jefferson Parish (their counties) can go home in a week get what they NEED and then not come back for 2-3 monthes, and they are right next door to new orleans, so yea burbon street will be out of business for a couple of monthes, to bad, the partiers will live, well anyways my grandmother can't get back to her house, which is 40 minutes north and across the river from new orleans and she can't go back till tuesday, and my mom is flying into baton rouge on sunday so she can help my grandma w/ whatever is there, it might all be gone, but the builders 25 years ago were pretty good, and the sounds of it her house might be the only one around still standing, let's just hope that that it isn't as bad, well just keep the south in your prayers, b/c it isn't just louisiana, and they are saying it's the worst disaster in the USA since 9/11, so that is just showing you...


September 01 2005
They are deffinetly in my prayers... i have family in Baton Rouge .-elizabeth


September 03 2005
they are all in my prayers definitely. I hope your family in baton rouge is okay and safe