This weekend

February 06 2006
Well life is good, w/ the exception of the Seahawks losing... Saturday I worked out at the Y, that was fun.
Then went to go find a black shirt for color guard pics, then went to the pics, and yall let me tell was FREEZING!!!
We sat on this stone wall for our group picture and all the stone did was absorb all the heat in my but and make the bottom half of the body go to sleep.
Then we had to take year pictures and individual pictures.
Then we went and got some home mexican food, that was yummy!!! Then I babysat, then went home.
Then yesturday I didn't go to church b/c I was sick, and still kinda am, I went shopping w/ my mom, then went to the super bowl party w/ my church...
Well I hope yall had a great weekend
