My car had a boo boo

December 07 2005
So my car's tire BLEW, and yea, that wasn't good, and so i pulled to the side of the road on Baker (yea that was my blue car if you saw it) and then Mrs. Batey comes up her driveway to run arines, and being the sweet lady she is asked if I needed help, ended up taking me home so I could change for basketball pictures, and then brought me back to school, I'm so sending her a thankyou card, anyways, then I go babysit, and let's just say that tonight was the WORST night I have ever had to babysit, the boys were acting HORRIBLE, Ella was crying and that just put the icing on top of the cake for the day, however when Greg and Kelli got home they "disciplined" their children (let's just say this is a night they won't forget for a LONG time) then Greg took me home and on the was we stopped by my car and he FIXED it for me, and then he was going on about how he was going to get me a tire and get this wrench for me so if this ever happens again I can do it myself, then he said that he would align it for me!!! Which he is in the car/fixing them/everything business, so he has a machine to align my car, but he is just amazing, that family is amazing, and even though I sometimes get tired of the youngsters, I wouldn't be who I am today w/ out them, so I'm very thankful, and right now I'm seriously thinking about not going to school tomorrow b/c I have so much stuff that needs to be done/looked over, and I haven't even glanced at it, Idk I'm going to debate that, see if it's really worth it...have a wonderful day!!!


Pray for SNOW