Roller coaster ride

November 16 2005
well today was like a rollercoaster...and it all started w/ me slipping in this water that had leaked into the school from the storm last night, then it just went from there and I found out stuff that upset me and basically brought me to tears, then when I checked my email at around 5ish, I found something out that made me so happy, you have no idea, then I babysat and I warmed ella's milk up too much and then I opened the bottle and extreamly hot milk got all over my hand...

However I'm happy for my sister b/c you want to know when she is going to see Harry Potter??? at 12:01 in the morning, and that is actually 11:01 our time, so yea I'm kinda jealous, but when I go and see it I'm going to the IMAX, and that is way better then just the movies...

Have a blessed day and I'll see everyone when I get back from DISNEY WORLD!!!