Summer 2005 Recap

August 26 2005
Wow, God did so many amazing things for me this summer. I'm going to try to recap it all....
Graduation and the after party with my grandfather! OMG!!! LOL!
Six Flags with some high school buddies!!!
Mexico Mission Trip which was absolutely life changing!
MTSU Customs which was oh so boring! LOL!
The Matthew West and Sanctus Real concert with Amber and my sister!
No dating for a year ended!
Hawaii for a month...favorite trip of the summer by far!! LOL!
Chick Fil A and staying in the parking lot after work until 1 a.m.
Belle Aire youth group! OH SO FUN!
Mercy Me concert....rocked my socks off
Leadership Camp for MTSU
Hanging out with so many friends for the last time, and of course hanging with my best friend Amber!

It was a good summer, and now God has extended an invitation that I have finally become receptive too. For my entire life, God has been crying out to me. Michael, I want to be intimate with you....What an amazing cry. In this intimacy, God is molding me into the man he intended me to be, and that blows me away. I can't wait to see where he takes me, and where he takes all of you guys as well! So that's it...In 3 days, MTSU campus will be my new home. An old chapter has finally come to an end, and a new one has begun. Alpha Omega has become my new home, and new friendships have begun. God's going to do amazing things this year! It's time for school!! AHHHH! LOL!

Rachael Moore

August 26 2005
michael, you are so cool. are you going to the retreat this weekend?


August 26 2005
Heck yeah He is man, I'm lookin forward to seeing you around AO and to watch what God does in your life this semester!


August 26 2005
So awesome... it was great talking to you last night! You rock! I can't wait till we're college kids!


August 28 2005
wow. thats about it. o yea, and ur going back to school now. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! lol jk. cya at church, bye


August 29 2005
hey spud!!! i know it's been an awesome summer, i can't believe it's over! it happened so fast! but there are tons of memories that we have and can look back on! we should be excited about this new chapter that's opened!! sure there's awesome things that happened in the past, things we'd never what to replace, but just think over all the exciting things this new chapter holds for all of us!! there's great times to come! And God's up to amazing things!! i heart ya bud!(lol) and i hope you had a BLAST at your first day of college!!! :D