
November 21 2005

My weekend was awesome yeah.
I went to the mall on Friday, and got kicked out
I bought some new shoes,they're rad.
I got a hat, thnx Erica, for buying it for me. ily!
Seen a lot of my frends at the mall. A lot.
Saturday I went to my friend Bee's house.
Sunday I stayed @ the church ALL DAY.
which made me have the worst headache ever because Adam was having band practice.((they're amazing))
The church I have been going to is so f_ing awesome the people they're so ludicris. It's hillarious.
<3, Ashlee


November 21 2005
hey ashlee, sounds like ur weekend was good. yeah, i didnt get to go to the mall, but ill ttyl. andrew

Steph Rad

November 21 2005
I want to fuck you like an animal!!-NINE INCH NAILS SHYEAH you got kicked out of the mall haha!! jk i love you..in my pants! STeph

Henri Laswell

November 21 2005
i'm pretty good. why did you get kicked out of the mall?

Abby Dee

November 22 2005
i just love love love you Ashee (and so does Germani who is sitting beside me)

Lin-Z HackneY

November 22 2005
haha u got kicked out because u fell....