
June 20 2005
so the palate expander doenst hurt as badly as i thought it would...but it annoys the crap out of me...and prolly everyone around me...i cant eat...again...and i keep making smaking and slurpy sounds...i cant help it...i hate this!!! and now even milkshakes arent as fun to eat...they make the thing cold...really cold...and then my teeth freeze. arggg.

the brian king kenobi

June 20 2005
poor mady.

Jane Woodard

June 20 2005
eating is ALWAys good

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

June 20 2005
all of that "mouth sugery," do they really need to do that to you? Your teeth always seemed fine to me. I think they just want your money. We should roll the dentist office!

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

June 20 2005
*sigh* "mouth surgery," rather.

Sarah Vermillion

June 20 2005
((*Jane is being a hypocrite. :sticks tongue in Jane's general directiong*)) Will you be able to eat at Fazoli's tomorrow?


June 21 2005
Awww, poor Madycakes...