Tyler Lowery


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K Austin i am just going to...

July 14 2008

 answer in a thought so yeahh i figure i might as well tell everyone what i think love really is.

1. What do you think love is?

2. Is it an emotion? or a choice?

3. Does it end?

4. If you are really in love does that mean that you should get married?

5. Does God have one "right" person for everyone? and if so is that the person you are to marry?


Love is a very powerful emotion.  I also believe that it is a choice, here is why: you have the decision to say okay i hate this person.  Therefore you must have the decision to go the opposite way.  It is a choice because God gave us the ability to make choices and that is also why not everyone loves God.  If love was only an emotion we would not be able to control it and our "love" would be running wild.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 

This verse just tells you what the greatest love is.  Now if i were to believe this verse i think i would have to believe that true love never ends.  Sure you might get tired of a person or thing.  But if you truly love them then you will never stop caring for them.  It is a pretty difficult topic but i would have to believe that Christ is the only one with this true love.  He died for everyone of us.  Even the ones who hated him, he still cared enough to lay down his life.


I dont think that just because you suddenly feel like you are in love with a person means hat you should get married.  You need to seek deep council with wise people that may help you realize why you are in love with this person.  


And no i do not believe that God has one right person for everyone.  I think that the people who go without being married are happier unmarried.  If it wasnt so then they would be married.  And if they are not married when they are supposed to be then they are not following God's will. 



so yeah thats basically my answers to those questions. Feel free to disagree, but if you do please voice it because i am open to learning. 


And if you are truly searching on what love really is

what better place to look than the Bible.


1 Corinthians 13



Kaelynn Malugin

July 14 2008
1 Corinthians 13 I was reading that in my bible earlier. *fun fact*

Kaelynn Malugin

July 14 2008
1 Corinthians 13 I was reading that in my bible earlier. *fun fact*