More Political Irritation.

July 15 2006

Some things threaten to break your mind before they break your heart.

On a slightly different note... Israel is really getting annoying.  Seriously.  It's like watching a toddler pitch a fit.  With missiles.  Not to say that the human lives of those soldiers isn't worth fighting for, but Is-rizzle is doing much more harm than good.  And oh, wouldn't it be ironic if they hit the building where those men were being housed?  *Shakes head*  Did they even try diplomacy, on the off-chance that something might come through?  Or was it kind of like starting a race and saying "Onetwothreego!" and streaking away before your opponent even has time to check his shoelace?  "Give'embackorwebomb*BOOM*

And here we have the Reader's Digest version of current events in Southwest Asia:

Isreal: "You have some of our soldiers!"  *NUKE*
Lebanon: "Aiiiiiiiiiiii!"
U.S.: "Errr... Ooh, looky!  Something in the opposite direction!"  *Stares at it*
Israel: "Iran, you looked at us funny!  You must be with THEM!"
Iran: "Wait, what?!"  *Aide hands PR guru a brief*  "Oh.  That thing."
Israel: *Threaten* *Threaten* *Threaten*
Everyone: *Cringe*
Lebanon: "Hey you guys...?"
Israel: *NUKE*  ...*NUKE*  *NUKE*  *NUKE*
Lebanon: "Aiiiiiiiiiiii!"
Iran: "Blah blah blah, neither confirm nor deny these allegations, but if it helps we have been working with Hezbollah for, um, oh.  I mean... Bad!"
France: "Vive la revolucion!"

Vive la revolucion indeed.

In the mean time, get me some Aleve.

Sarah Vermillion

July 15 2006
...Perhaps I should watch the news sometime.

Matt Beck

July 15 2006
You are so misguided about the situation regarding Israel. I'm sure that you would agree that "Israel is showing the entire world why the Iranian President was absolutely right to suggest that Israel cease being a sovereign state as is". If you find the logic of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sound then God help you. That man has been out to get Israel since the beginning and has a death wish for the middle east. He should scare you. His ideology is very similar to that of Hitler and Stalin. Where are Roosevelt and Churchill when we need them? And for any caring person... A mind would not break before the heart. The heart would come first before the mind. And if something were that great to cause the mind break wouldn't the root cause trouble the heart as well?

Matt Beck

July 15 2006
Oh and to correct your cute little dialogue. Iran has been threatening their neighboring countries (and really the rest of the world, though they do not have sufficient technology....yet) with nukes since the Iranian presidential election of 2005 which resulted in the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran continues to disregard the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that they signed. You may learn something here so pay attention... Sadly Israel has not. You may increase your credibility if you reverse those statements in the dialogue and take note of what has ACTUALLY happened in the Middle East. Just a thought. Now just for sake of laughter here are some of my favorite quotes from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who you apparently agree with occasionally... "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury." "Israel is a rotten, dried tree that will be annihilated in one storm." "They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets." "Thanks be to God, despite its criminal and savage nature, the Zionist regime and its supporters in the West do not have the power to look in the same way towards Iran." "In the near future we will witness the rapid collapse of the Zionist regime."

the brian king kenobi

July 15 2006
revolution has a t instead of a c in french. and i'm on your side in the middle east.

Matt Beck

July 15 2006
"Viva la revolucion!" with a "c" is normally used as a reference to Cuban Marxist, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna or more commonly known as "Che Guevara" who served as the leader of Cuban and internationalist guerrillas during the 50's and 60's.


July 15 2006
This is the best International One-Act ever.

Ben Moser

July 15 2006
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kiera Knightley is fantastically hott.

the brian king kenobi

July 16 2006
but she didn't SAY 'viva,' did she? she said 'vive' which is french. and why would france care about che?

Hunter Barry

July 16 2006
Arrgggh! I hate having to follow these conversations on two different phuseboxes. *grumbles as he opens up a new window and endless clicking back and forth ensues*

Hunter Barry

July 16 2006
*finds Kelly's post on Matt's Phusebox* AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I was lucky. I barely escaped the GIANT WALL OF TEXT!

Hunter Barry

July 16 2006
Okay, I've reviewed all the plays and here's my score. Mr. Beck, you show a lot of promise early on BUT you make a huge mistake early on. You assume she agrees with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the first place and then base further assumptions to reach an entirely illogical conclusion. Then you top off the illogical conclusion by calling her heartless (indirectly). That's a minus 4 points right there. But Kelly, you decide to counter his illogical remarks by telling a long, rambling (albeit tragic), irrelevant story to prove once and for all you have a heart. To make it worse, I feel like Yoda helped you write it ("when will he forget me, I can't but wonder") at times. This final part is out of your control but Phusebox formatting killed any chance of making a point your remark had. Also, some friendly advice, remarks cannot be deleted so its best to keep things you'd like kept private TO PRIVATE MESSAGES. All in all, you lose five points. Then Mr. Beck comes back strong and actually makes a few points, so he gets 2 points back and another point for bring up Che Guevara. However, Mr. Beck BLEW IT in his first remark when he brought up Hitler. Goodwin's Law activates. And in accordance with the law, whoever mentions Nazis first loses, and anyone who counter-Nazi-calls also loses. Kelly's response may not be the best, but she didn't resort to counter-Nazi-calling. Activating Goodwin's Law is a big minus for you, Mr. Beck, and you lose 10 points for it. Final Score- Kelly: -5 Mr Beck: -11.

Sara Shaban

July 16 2006
my this is quite better than tv.


July 16 2006
oh well i'm not good on this topic:)) hello girl :P

Ben Moser

July 17 2006
wow. id like to see hunter play by play a bush debate... ;)