
January 18 2006

"Life is fleeting and everthing that we prize and strive for during it is ultimaltely meaningless.  Nor wealth nor beauty nor good fortune nor power nor knowledge nor fame will save us when we stand before God at the end of the world."

This depicts a painting by Juan de Valdes Leal's entitled "Vantias"

I just read this in my art book...this is the ONLY class that Iam interested in...I love art and I thought that I would share it with yall I wish you could see the painting but it is in my art book...if you really wanna see it Ill be glad to show it to you ....its really a kool painting....well Im going to go finish reading my art...night

meredith taylor

February 13 2006
sry bout the finger!!! hope it gets better

kyle cantrell

March 28 2006
College is so much better when it's not in Murfreesboro..haha

Brittany Dickens

May 21 2006
WHIT! Haha..I was reading the comments you (not really you..but I did) left me under my last post and I laughed SOOO hard! haha!