My Favoritest Person in the World!

February 07 2006

Usually its hard for you to make up your mind about who is your most favorite person in the whole wide world...luckily I have never had this problem...because Shannon's my favoritest! Of course, with talent, beauty, charm, grace, intelligence like hers, who could possibly say otherwise!! By the way, she's running for Dictator of the World in November of this year, so I hope everyone will come out to show their support for the best leader luxembourg has ever had and that we want her to rule the world! SHANNON FOR WORLD DICTATOR! WOOT WOOT!


February 07 2006
=-o! Callie that was so incredible!! I love you too! and im even willing to overlook that message u sent me earlier about me bein a whore!! yay! you are definitely the coolest eva


February 08 2006
BEAVER 1 BEAVER ALL LETS ALL DO THE BEAVER CALL! ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch, beaver 2 beaver 3 lets all climb the beaver tree ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch beaver 4 beaver 5 lets all do the beaver jive ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch beaver 6 beaver 7 lets all fly to beaver heaven ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch beaver 8 beaver 9 STOP! its beaver time GO BEAVER GO BEAVER GO BEAVER GO GO GO BEAVER!

Elaine Stephens

February 08 2006
no! no more beavers!! ahh... "stop.... i'm trying to focus on my biology lab... hey, did any of you see vacuoles in the tomato pulp cells?.... someone quit groping callie's leg and go clean these slides off for me...." oh the memories we make every day. i think it's in my best interest to fear the day that shannon realizes her dream of world dictator.... anyone want to move to the moon with me?? hehe


February 14 2006 the orange i think that we(all of mrs.daniel's favorite students ever) should buy her a pony or something...cause she needs one... ill buy things if someone back home organizes it... and tell seth to email me...please...thank you