Stephanie Rich


Relationship Status



Oakland Highschool


November 08 2005

There is no chasm as deep as two who are one, yet are worlds apart. There is no pain so great as seeing the one you love hurt like the earth hurts when it does not rain. There are no tears so big as the ones that fall onto the pillow before a lonely night's sleep.

There is no love as great as that of sacrifice when it is selfless and unassuming. There is no love as strong as the love that endures beyond death. There is no love so pure as the love that is patient and kind.

There is no emotion so geniun as that of laughter when it is seen in a person's eye. There is no sensation so revealing as that of a touch, especially when one finds the person that touches their soul. There is no feeling so overwhelming as that of love when it is expressed for the very first time.

There is no war as powerful as the war fought inside oneself. There is no batter as scarring as the emotional conflict. There is no victory as joyous as that of one who has overcome themself.