
November 20 2006

Here is my next semester:

MWF 8-8:55 INFS-2200-002

MWF 9:10-10:05 ACTG-2120-001

MWF 10:20-11:15 QM-2610-003

MWF 11:30-12:25 PHIL-1030-005


November 20 2006
Not bad. If you need help in INFS or QM next semester, let me know.

the brian king kenobi

November 20 2006
because those letters mean so much to me.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

November 20 2006
What teachers do you have for them?


November 20 2006
how many hours is that? cause mine is basically like that except i start at 10 and go till 2.


November 20 2006
Now everyone can stalk you. Including me.


November 21 2006
But stalking is so much more fun. I'll check my schedule about lunch for MWF. On TR you're obviously available anytime.

Anna Miller

December 13 2006
I saved about six bucks. Which is a meal or two, depending on where I eat. I got an A in music.

Anna Miller

December 14 2006
Go to WebMT. It's not listed as being up, but when you go to grades, its' there.