Horn Quartet No. 1

January 19 2006

So, Abby (my future UM friend) has talked me into writing a horn quartet (no. 1) for the young composer night @ SCMI this year. I'm so proud of my 12 measures so far that I've written during 6th period and put on finale. It sounds really cool...random, but very fun. I think by the time school starts next week, I'll have alteast 1 1/2 movements of it. Yay!

Today at school Ruth and I played duets during first period, it made me happy that I got to spend time doing stuff with her like we did last year. It would be fun to do non-horn stuff with her. (OMG! Did I just utter that I want to do something unrelated to horn?!)

So tomorrow I get to spend my day with around 200 6th grade children for the symposium my school is doing. I might have to do the masterclass for the 3 horn players, hehe, they'll be so cute. If I don't, I'll kill if they have a trumpet player do it. They really need to hear the tonal concepts of the horn so they know what they should sound like. I know I'll probably be playing with them some, while running around with everyone else. Calvin Smith is going to come with his brass quintet and hang out, I'll try to scrung up some duets so we can play like we did at Governor's School.

I learned today that Erin likes to kick the door of my practice room when she makes an error. Haha! She's so random...

I ate dinner w/ AJ and his friends today. They're so much fun. And all of them are prospective UM students for next year...I know of 3(?) who are forsure going there. It's going to be so much fun.

CSI calls....

Michael Cavopol

January 21 2006
do you, by any chance know Chris Lowry??? just thought id ask