No More Marching Band...

October 30 2005

So at band practice yesturday my allergies started upsetting me from the grass that's on the football field and I had to sit out for the last run. It was really cool. Our horn shirts are lime-green and we all had them on (but Kaelen) so it was really cool in the lines and stuff...because they were lime-green.

Omg, we did amazing at VMI (I cried when we were marching off the field, I'm such a pansy). We ended up winning overall, which makes me happy. I never get to run the show again...which is a good and sad things at the same time. Oh well, college marching band is not going to be the same. But I'm still going to go to VMI and any other contests that I can to watch my school compete, because they will always be amazing as long as everyone has their heart in the show, and lets it bleed when they play.

I want a cat.

Beth Farrar

October 30 2005
i thought u didn't like cats! and yeah. prolly not a good idea considering you have a BIRD. cats kinda eat those lol.