A dissapointing look at a classic.

July 17 2005
Saw willy wonka...psssh this movie is some bulllllshit. It was about 19 different kinds of lame. I was looking forward to it so much. The oompas all look exactly the same, with the aid of photoshop. Not to mention, the other extremely welll...i didn't like it, but im not going to bash it too much. Im sure if i was innebriated that i would love it.

Sarah Vermillion

July 17 2005
I didn't think it was great or anything - but I loved the new oompa loompa songs.

Stephanie Levine

July 17 2005
I haven't seen it.

Jessica Goss

July 18 2005
Nuthing. Sup with you?

Stephanie Levine

July 18 2005
I'm not back yet. *next monday i will be*


July 18 2005
i can't wait to see it. thanks. you seem cool [i love tom petty] but i've got a boyfriend. *}


July 19 2005
what a shame. --i'm going to see that movie for myself.


July 23 2005
shiat Nigga...you need to come get your bass and amp.. workin today?

cole brown

July 23 2005
i defiently wanted to see that movie!! guessss not so much anymore =/ haha! yes yes i do remember you at fazolies i went there tonight actually.. well i hope that you are having a wonderful weekend and ill talk to you soon. --cole

Ed Hulme

July 24 2005
hey dude yeah i went and saw it the same day u did, i liked it the old one scared me this one made me feel happy all in Side YAY lol ne way hope ur haveing a good day bye