tom petty is simply amazing

July 14 2005
i weant to the Tom Petty concert last night... holy .. just know, just realize rather....that tom petty is damn good live...i almost fell over when he started playing..hope everyone has an abundantly spectacular evening , morning, and i don't feel like thinking of new stuff to say ...

jeremy hirt,
your buddy forever and ever .......

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
I don't hate you. I didn't hear you say get out, but thnx for not meaning it? Haha.

Nathan Moore

July 14 2005

Nathan Moore

July 14 2005
i am jealous.

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
thnx. That's awesome

Rachael Moore

July 16 2005
i saw him a couple of years ago...he is amazing!!!