People that are often placed to look nice, arent often nicely placed.

July 03 2005
You have a good day? Ahh... ok. Well my day weant alright, my mom made terriyaki was grrreeeat, oh wait that was breakfast :-) lunch was good. Work was cool, it was slow .. with minimal jack-ass-ocrity from associates and guests alike. Sleep is waiting for me...and i dont want to keep it up all night. I like breathing, you?

your buddy,
Jeremy Hirt

Rachael Moore

July 03 2005
terriyaki chicken for breakfast, eh? interesting. thanks for the comment! i hope you have a great night! talk to you later!

Erin Caudillo

July 07 2005
hi jeremy i love you


July 11 2005


July 11 2005
woops i didnt push the right butten up there ^^ well nice breakfast aye? lol well where do you work at?

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
Hey.I saw you on tuesday i think?