New Stuff

June 22 2005
Hi everyone,
If you've ever been to the Faz of m'boro, I was probably the service leader(the breadstick guy). If you like fazolis.....uhh thanks. I play the bass, i don't suck at it.... Well i love you guys.

your buddy,
JEremy Hirt


June 22 2005
even me? heh, we have same favorite movie

Sarah Vermillion

June 22 2005
Howdy! I've been to the Faz in M'boro... I like Fazoli's! And you're the awesomest breadstick guy ever. I need to call that survey and tell them you're the greatest.

Jane Woodard

June 22 2005
yup, i liiiiiiiiike fazoli's and you're pretty cool too! ;)


June 23 2005
I know


June 23 2005
hello! do i know you?

Sarah Vermillion

June 23 2005
Well you know those phone booths... damn! ^_^


June 24 2005
i only go to Fazolies FOR the breadstix...i keep you in business!