say WHAT???

June 29 2006

Today is my final day as a teenager. . .


People say 20 isn't a big deal, but am I the only one that thinks that not being a teenager anymore is a big deal?

Hot dang!

BTW, a few people and myself are going to Starbucks tomorrow at 4:00 to hang out. I guess it's "for my birthday", but it's nothing big. I just want to see people before going out to eat with my family. I don't have several numbers, so if you read this, you're welcome to come :)

kelsey shearron

June 29 2006
wow..congratulations...thats are actually condisdered an adult in my eyes and you are getting close to marrying age..hows that for scary?..its exciting too though..happy birthday darling! love you-kels

Laura Polis

June 29 2006
oh dear. . .that's terrifying. . . <p> oh wait. . .3 more days. . .word.

the brian king kenobi

June 29 2006
you are so freakin old. ooooold. ooooooooooooooooooooooooold. (and don't wink about my mono, it's not funny . . . you know you'll start showing symptoms soon.)


June 29 2006
hehe.. 20. There really isn't anything excitting about it. You've already been able to vote, you can't drink yet *wink* and well you are no longer classified as a teenage. you are just moving through life, and its just uneventful. Not being a teenager really isn't that bad, you've been one for 7 years now. Time to move on?


June 29 2006
i think 20 is a big deal