Yard Work

April 23 2006

So it's a lovely day, and Mom asked if I wanted to cut the grass for a little money. Being unemployed at the moment ((pray to God that won't last any more than a couple of weeks)), I agreed, even though I haven't cut the grass before. The yard looks nice, but I was left with a six inch scrape on my arm because of a HUGE hanging DEAD limb:

Needless to say, I was pretty ticked off at the limb, so I decided to rip it down with my bare hands. And when that didn't work, I took a hack saw to it. Look at me in all of my tree slaying glory:

Hear me roar.

Megan Polis

April 23 2006
that's hott

Laura Polis

April 23 2006
^u should know, that that's me. . .

Eric Bean

April 23 2006
I dub thee "Lady Anna the Tree-Slayer"


April 23 2006
oh.. haha. should read the post before i make comments. glad nothing too serious happened


April 23 2006
oh dear she has a saw


April 23 2006
yikes...not fun getting scraped when doing yard work. Glad you attacked the limb ;) I miss you Anna Miller...hope you have a great week!


April 23 2006
Anna Miller, you're hardcore.


April 24 2006
hey anna, i hope you get this in time. i can't get your book because you have to come sign it out. if you could swing by the school today after classes (before 3:10 i guess) you can come get it. if not you need to come by my house and then write me a note to sign it out for you. i'm sorry they won't let me take it. talk to ya laterzzzz! kathryn-claire