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Tennessee Tech


October 07 2006
So, I was looking over the study guide for the midterm exam for one of my education classes, I cam across the heading "Chapter 5: re FL instruction in the Middle School Classroom was not assigned, but: " followed by a list of things from the chapter that we should study for the midterm.

I don't claim to be the most logical person in the world, but it seems to me that if you tell your students that you're not going to cover a chapter, you shouldn't tell them four days before the midterm that they need to know several chunks of material from said chapter.  Not only does it not make sense to tell your students two different things, it's extremely inconsiderate to those students who happen to plan and organize their study time based on what you've already said. 

Education classes make me stabby.

Jonathan Wood

October 07 2006
Please don't stab me...

Bill Morgan

October 08 2006
Agree. Its ok to not cover a chapter but still test on it ... if you tell the students at the time (you are skipping the chapter. But, its insensitive to not tell them until 4 days before the test (unless of course, you skipped the chapter for 4 days before the tests).