

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


August 10 2006
My schedule for this fall was laid out carefully so that I could take classes and not have to pay any more for daycare than we have to, seeing as co-op jobs aren't exactly lucrative hobbies.  It was all going well until the professor of one class decided to change the day and time of our class three weeks before classes start.  Now, I may not be able to take the class.  No problem, right?  I could just take it the next time around, right?  WRONG.  It's only offered every two years.  That would mean I could next take the class in the fall of 2008, and I would not be able to do my student teaching until the spring of 2009.  Josh will be graduating in 2007 or 2008, and we'll be moving as soon as possible thereafter so that he can get a job.  You see how this would cause some problems.  It would be difficult to take a class if you're in a different city or even a different state.  I am a bit peeved, and also freaking out.  The good news is that without the education classes, I could graduate with a degree and 2 minors this December.  

Bill Morgan

August 10 2006
So, are you going to go ahead and take the class even though it is disruptive and costs more in daycare?


August 10 2006
I don't know. If I don't, then there goes my education degree, so it's a hard choice.

Sarah Yeldell

August 11 2006
Wow. That's some serious BS that the university would let your professor make a call like that without getting confirmation from the rest of the class. I mean, they KNOW that student work out their schedules months in advance to avoid conflicts exactly like this one. For them to let the professor jerk you around like that is entirely unacceptable.<bR><bR> Ecven though things worked out with the daycare, you really ought to go chew on your Department Chair / Dean / VP of Student Affairs for screwing with you. ;-)