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Tennessee Tech

And the saga continues...

July 27 2006
So yesterday, I took Daniel to the doctor's so they could check his ears and make sure that the infection was all gone.  His ears look perfect, but he still had a fever and his white blood cell count had not gone down at all since Monday.  Mom and I are of the opinion that he just picked up a virus towards the end of his ear infection, but the doctor that the nurse practitioner consulted insisted that Daniel have a barrage of tests done.  Yesterday afternoon, my mother and I took Daniel to the hospital for a chest x-ray to see if he has pneumonia and to have blood drawn to see if there is a blood infection.  When they checked his white blood cell count, they just poked his toe.  For the blood tests, they had to get a fair amount of blood out of a vein in his arm.  This led to me, Mom, and a nurse holding a screaming, crying Daniel still while another nurse drew his blood.  The x-ray also made him scream and cry.

Luckily, Mom was in town.  She came by yesterday to bring us some dinner and help me get all caught up on cleaning the kitchen and the laundry.  Seeing as we had to go get those tests done, I am SO glad Mom was here.  I don't know how I could have gotten through it without her.  Thanks, Mom!

Please continue to keep Daniel in your prayers.

Bill Morgan

July 27 2006
Moms are wonderful people .... everybody should have one ; ) ....Sorry to hear about Daniels' continuing saga, will certainly keep him and you in our prayers.