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Tennessee Tech

Sicker Baby

July 24 2006
Daniel is still sick.  In fact, his temperature spiked yesterday to 101.9.  I took him to the doctor this morning and they popped him in the leg with another antibiotic.  The shot hurts so much that they mix lidocaine in with it to help numb the area.  It didn't numb well enough, to judge by Daniel's screaming.

Since we got home, he's cried 90% of the time he's been awake, which has been a mercifully small time. 

I am about two steps away from absolutely crazy at this point.  He just won't stop crying when he's awake, and it's getting to be a bit much.  I love Daniel so much, but this is just so hard.  Parenthood needs to come with a better "how to" manual with handy chapters such as "How to not think you're a terrible parent when you can't comfort your crying child."

James White

July 24 2006
Dr. Barnes and I are thinking about you and Daniel, and praying for you.

Sarah Yeldell

July 24 2006
<p align=left> Aww, E. *hug* Hang in there. If you need a sanity check, give me a call.

nell nestor

July 24 2006
Hang in there, honey. Sometimes they just gotta cry. It will get better

Bill Morgan

July 24 2006
This is one of the worst parts of parenting ... the feeling of inadequacy to help your child. Take a deep breath .... and just love him. When necessary/able ... handover to Josh to give you a break.