

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


July 11 2006
Daniel is extremely attached to a stuffed rabbit whom we call Mr. Floppy.  I wanted to get an extra Mr. Floppy in case something terrible happens to him.  According to Carter's, he's from an Easter special last year, and they don't have a warehouse where they keep things from previous years.  The advice I was given is to check Burlington Coat Factory, Big Lots, and Ebay.  I've searched Ebay several times over the last few weeks with no luck.  Burlington Coat Factory also does not have the bunny on their website.  I will check the Big Lots in town, but I am of limited hope.

This is a sad, sad day.

Sarah Yeldell

July 11 2006
<p align=left> Post a picture of Mr. Floppy and I'll keep an eye out for his clone down here.

nell nestor

July 11 2006
Same here, will check the Big Lots.

Bill Morgan

July 11 2006
I did a google search and found a place called http://www.tvacres.com/rodents_rabbits_mrfloppy.htm Don't know if that will help .. but check it out.


July 12 2006
IF something tragic happens, you can have a stuffed animal funeral and teach Daniel about life and death.

Sarah Yeldell

July 12 2006
<p align=left> And then, when some well-meaning family member finds a new Mr. Floppy, you can teach Daniel about ZOMBIES.


July 24 2006
LOL. Good one Sarah.