

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


June 15 2006
"My little baby's all grown up and saving China!"

Okay, so he's not quite THAT big yet.  I just got home from picking up Daniel from his first day at Mother's Day Out.  He's taking a nap now - the little tike's exhausted!  He apparently had a great day and played the entire time and had a lot of fun.  He did not cry when I left him, although I did.  (I was done by the time I made it to the grocery store.)  Shopping was certainly A LOT easier without him, I got lots of oh so fun chores done, and it was amazingly quiet at my house.  (By the way, I still hate mopping floors more than any other chore.  It is, however, easier to clean floors without a little one about.)  I even got all of the prep work for dinner done.  All I have to do is toss it all into a pan together and boil some noodles.  The baby had fun, and I actually accomplished things.  All in all, I'd say Mother's Day Out was a smashing success today.   Here's hoping it will go so well every week.

Bill Morgan

June 15 2006
Congrats !! Another step toward normalcy of life (whatever that is). But, dear daughter-in-law ... I would like to hear your thoughts and feelings about waiting for hubby to come from a hard days work .... PLEASE ...