

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


June 08 2006
Why is it that in the 45 mph zone, we hardly ever break 35, but in the 30 mph zone when I'm going 30, I always get tailgated.  I don't want to speed, I just want to go the speed limit.

Daniel and I went back by the Mother's Day Out to drop off his paperwork today.  Once again, he had a great time.  He was SO smiley.  They seemed to love him.  He starts next Thursday.  We've decided to have him go on Thursdays, since I'll probably be more likely to need a break after 3 days, rather than after 1.  I'm excited, because I think he's going to have such a great time.  YAY!

Bill Morgan

June 08 2006
I love smiley babies, especially when its my grandson !!!