

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech

Hello there, gentle readers.

May 29 2006
Obviously, it's been a while since I last posted.  Currently, of course, Josh is off in Colorado, careening down a raging river of death.  I suppose it's all right, so long as he doesn't have to kiss a llama.

Since Josh is on the other side of the country, I'm spending the week with my parents.  I've been here since Friday, and it's been relatively uneventful.  Daniel is having a great time - he loves all the attention!  His second tooth on the top finally cut through yesterday afternoon, to much relief from both of us.  He has been a bit crabby the past couple of days, I'm guessing due to the sharp jabby thing doggedly pushing its way through his tender gum.  Hopefully, the crabbiness is in the past now for at least a little while.

In some ways, it's a lot noisier and yet also a lot quieter here.  There are two additional people, which makes it much more vivacious, but my parents like quiet a lot more than Josh does.  It's very peaceful here, especially when Daniel goes down for a nap.  (At least if the TV is off - Dad does love the war history shows and anything where they are rebuilding some type of vehicle.)  I doubt that I'll have too much of interest to report over the next few days, but we'll see.

Jeana Lewis

May 29 2006
Llamas! Bleh! No llama lips for me! Give Daniel a kiss for me though! Have a great week!

Sarah Yeldell

May 30 2006
"Sharp rocks at the bottom?" <bR><bR> "Most likely."<bR><bR> "Bring it on."<bR><bR>