

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


May 12 2006
As you know, the semester is over.  My husband and I both remain victorious, having earned 4.0s this semester.  It was not exactly a fun semester, but there have been worse ones.  Next semester will be a bit easier, as Daniel will be in daycare.

The Tennessee Tech daycare is supposed to be a wonderful daycare.  It better be since we've been on a waiting list for a spot since January, 2005.  That's right - we've been on the waiting list since 8 months before Daniel was born.  We are FINALLY number one on the waiting list.  The beginning of this August, children from the preschool class will move to kindergarten, children from the toddler class will move to the preschool class, and children from the infant class will move to the toddler class.  There will finally be a spot for our little boy, just in time for the beginning of the semester.  FINALLY.

Jeana and Randy are coming to visit today.  Randy is teaching a motorcycle class this weekend, so Jeana will be spending her time playing with Daniel here.  I know she's really not looking forward to it.  She doesn't even like that baby.  ;) 

In case you haven't heard, my tiny, helpless little boy is now a gargantuan, speed-crawling, property-destroying, adorable chunk of doom.  He weighs 19 1/2 pounds, he's eating us out of house and home, and the kitty lives in fear.  Like my sister Sarah did, Daniel will spot the kitty, giggle in a menacing and slightly maniacal  way, and then crawl after him at speeds that would astonish you.  Zeus has been remarkably patient, which is good.  I love Zeus, but if he claws the baby, Zeus is the one who gets the boot.  I know it will be in self-defense as the baby determinedly attempts to eat Zeus's ear, but still, Zeus will be the one sitting on the front porch.  Poor kitty.  At least his arch-nemesis is still cute.

James White

May 12 2006
Yay on the daycare; it seems as though getting your children into Ivy League schools is easier than the Tech daycare. Not that Daniel would have ANY trouble with Harvard. Poor kitty.

Bill Morgan

May 13 2006
I'm so jealous ... can I "daycare" Daniel ? I know lots of ways to teach him to crawl faster, stronger, and more sluethful .... TRUST ME ... he he he .... Tell little tike I'm coming in soon ... and the grandpa thing is a sooooooo fun ..... As for Univ & grades, I'm so very proud of both of you .... well done ...