

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


April 19 2006
Once again, the husband is out late working on his Thermal Design project.  I vaguely remember what he looks like.

The project for the education class isn't terrible.  The assignment is to make a small number of a variety of test questions, which is exactly what we've been doing all semester in another of my classes.  In fact, it took less than 10 minutes to finish my portion of the task.  It's not the work that I mind; I just hate group projects. 

I'm a little bit of a control freak, and I like things to be done a certain way.  When it comes to my education class, I will, however, settle for any way that is competent and correct.  Unfortunately, I believe that might be asking too much.  I HATE relying on other people for part of my grade.  Because Joe-Shmo happens to be lazy and care little for his grade, my grade can suffer?  Not cool.  (Or should I say it's not money?  I'm told that's what the kids say these days...)  The group work has to be done in the same group as the last project.  Now, I don't dislike all of them, but even with the ones I like, we have very different work ethics and styles.  Did I mention that I loathe group work?

On a happy note, the baby is still cute.

Jonathan Wood

April 20 2006
You know, as long as the baby is cute, everything will be okay. The good part about this is that the baby will always be cute.

nell nestor

April 20 2006
He's right, you know. That baby makes a bad day good.

Jeana Lewis

April 20 2006
I don't like working with a group either. Either just let me do it or do it yourselves. I don't play well with others either... and yes, the baby is cute. I miss him. And you and Josh of course :o)