You should try to remember the good times, and the high life, are you feeling all right?

July 01 2005
      breaking benjamin is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

I've become so obsessed with this stupid "isLove Generator"...ah's always amusing to see what it spits out for the day!
As of right now, I'm washing clothes. CJ taught me how to. How very sad...I'm a female...I'm supposed to know how to do all of this stuff inately. Sewing, cooking...ah well, domestication may come later in life...but I almost hope it doesn't.

Sarah Vermillion

July 01 2005
I am proud to say that I (for the most part) know how to do laundry. However, cooking and sewing... I have NO CLUE.

Jane Woodard

July 03 2005
ha ha. i still don't know how to do laundry. and i love you..... :)