Alice Eatherton
Relationship Status
Wildwood High School
Lake Sumter Community College
Sleep, coffee, philosophy, listening to music, playing music, going to concerts, cookies and cream ice cream, making you laugh, watching you cry
Favorite Movies
Pirates of the Caribbean, Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, Constantine, My Fair Lady, Moulin Rouge, Labyrinth, Meet Me in St. Louis, Dodgeball, Charlie and the Chocolate Fatory
Favorite Books
LOTR trilogy, Weather Warden series, Dresden Files, Wicked, Birth of Venus, ALL Dan Brown books, Fushigi Yugi, Inheritance Trilogy
Other Websites
I would have said sorry, but I've said it enough...
June 29 2005
      letter kills are lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator
What am I supposed to do? I didn't mean anything by it...and coincidences happen, but does that mean that they're my fucking fault? I don't mean to be cold...but when I have to do something, I just have to do it...and if it hurts your feelings, then just try to remember all the times that I've done things that hurt me like Hell, and remember I did it for you. And if you can't, then piss off.
What am I supposed to do? I didn't mean anything by it...and coincidences happen, but does that mean that they're my fucking fault? I don't mean to be cold...but when I have to do something, I just have to do it...and if it hurts your feelings, then just try to remember all the times that I've done things that hurt me like Hell, and remember I did it for you. And if you can't, then piss off.
Jane Woodard
June 29 2005
do we need to have a counseling session?
call me if you can
i love you.
you're right, we do need eachother
Mark Eatherton
June 29 2005
...Then I guess it's my turn to say I'm sorry. I am. It just gets so tough on us... I'm not gonna point fingers, but would it be ok, to admit we were both wrong?