Alice Eatherton
Relationship Status
Wildwood High School
Lake Sumter Community College
Sleep, coffee, philosophy, listening to music, playing music, going to concerts, cookies and cream ice cream, making you laugh, watching you cry
Favorite Movies
Pirates of the Caribbean, Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, Constantine, My Fair Lady, Moulin Rouge, Labyrinth, Meet Me in St. Louis, Dodgeball, Charlie and the Chocolate Fatory
Favorite Books
LOTR trilogy, Weather Warden series, Dresden Files, Wicked, Birth of Venus, ALL Dan Brown books, Fushigi Yugi, Inheritance Trilogy
Other Websites
Everybody knows that you're insane...
June 28 2005 here I am...on a Tuesday afternoon, sitting in my towel and typing a blog...bleah...I'm tired...and becoming very lazy. It took effort just to get up and shower. I think I'm going to throw some CDs in the CD player and dance around for a bit...after I get dressed, of course.